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Dogfish Head Brewing | Sah’tea

Dogfish Head Brewing | Sah’tea
Katie Chaffee

ABV: 9%

Black chai tea and beer: two of my favorite things. But beer flavored with black chai tea? I’ll admit, I was skeptical at first. I should have had more faith in Dogfish Head, one of my favorite breweries. I should have known if anyone could pull this off it would be them. I should have known that these two ingredients would never let me down, but I didn’t. And to my pleasant surprise, the mix of black chai tea and Dogfish Head ale blended together is like a match made in heaven. And again, I should have known that all dogs go to heaven, even dogfish. The subtle flavors of cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves and black pepper work together to turn beer into black chai tea… only better.

Like some song mash-ups, this mash-up turns out to be better than the actual songs. It enhances each song by putting them together and creating something more unique. Dogfish Head does this with beers. They are the DJ of brewing companies. They took beer and black chai tea and put them together to create something better — black chai tea that gets you drunk. Oh, and it tastes awesome. The classic Dogfish Head beer doesn’t take away from the black chai tea flavors. And the black chai tea flavors don’t overwhelm the classic Dogfish Head taste.

With the first sip, this beer, which is a modern twist on a 9th century Finnish ale, is exactly what skeptics like me needed to change their minds.

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