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Roundtable Discussion | Favorite Beer Labels

beer labels

Even though we all know the expression, “don’t judge a book by its cover,” we all do it sometimes. The same goes with beer. This week we asked the staff what their favorite beer labels are.

Justin: My favorite beer label has to be Three Floyd’s Apocalypse Cow.

Matthew: Half Acre Big Hugs—even though it is different every year.

Gabe: I tend to think of labels more in terms of brewery, rather than specific beers. Omnipollo, and Pretty Things are my two favorites, although there’s something to be said about the simplicity of Hill Farmstead and Cantillon (except Rosé de Gambrinus, which is pretty problematic). Speaking of problematic, if anyone replies Clown Shoes anything to this, feel free to write your own name down on my “least favorite people” list.

Justin: LOL, Gabe!

Jason: I always love Three Floyd’s artwork, but lately I can’t get over the labels on the Prairie Artisan Ales bottles. Fun, bizarre artwork to go with great beers.

Scott: Half Acre and Pipeworks have been consistently amazing with their beer labels. Beer Hates Astronauts by Half Acre and Raspberry Truffle Abduction by Pipeworks are highlights to check out.

Cory: I love Three Floyds, Prairie Artisan Ales, Ska Brewing and Jester King but my favorite of all time would have to be the label for Muskoka Winter Beard. It’s just so epic on a giant 750 ml bomber.

Erin: 21st Amendment puts out some fantastic artwork on their cans with a witty, political bent. As a huge space nerd, I am especially a fan of the Bitter American Session—who doesn’t love a Monkey in a spacesuit?

Josh: I saw this one this weekend and it made me chuckle.







Kate: I’ve always liked Rogue and Alaskan. Alaskan mainly because it’s true to the spirit of the place and it feels like home in my hand. 😉 And I love the Silvanecte label with its proud Gauloise history in nearly illegible script. 😀


  1. Miller High Life is a classic. I’ve got a great graphic tee of the High Life logo.

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