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Pop Culture Week in Review 3/15-3/22 Jimmy Fallon to Tonight Show?

Pop Culture Week in Review 3/15-3/22 Jimmy Fallon to Tonight Show?
  • On March 22, 2013

Enlightened, we hardly knew ye…

…and I’m pretty ok with that.  HBO has declined to renew the Laura Dern series for a third season.  I haven’t watched the second season yet but I really found the first season (which I watched in full) completely insufferable.  I really wanted to like it- Mike White! Luke Wilson! The occasional Jason Mantzoukas! But her stupid hippy dippy voice overs drove me up the wall, across the ceiling and down the other wall to crash land on the floor in a fit of rage.  But anyway its cancelled so it doesn’t matter.

When one life ends, another begins

ABC has brought on Jane Espenson onto the Once Upon a Time spinoff set in Wonderland.  This lady has written on all the best shows ever- her first writing credit was on Dinosaurs and others include Game of Thrones, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and many other Whedon shows), Battlestar Galactica, and Gilmore Girls.  She’s kind of awesome.  But don’t expect the series to be centered on the one Wonder character we’ve met in the series.  Sebastian Stan is unavailable to reprise his role in a leading capacity so the Mad Hatter will get shoved out in favor of Alice. Surprise.

Harry Potter has officially graduated

Again. Kind of.  The third installment of A Very Potter Musical starring Darren Criss (with special appearance from Luna Lovegood herself) has hit the interwebs.  I have not had an opportunity to partake in this yet, so this is more of a “hey here’s this thing” than a “Hey I really enjoyed and/or hated this thing for the following reasons.” So enjoy?

Save Happy Endings…because ABC told you to

I actually find this a little rude that the network is putting this on us after they have withheld its glory for nearly two months. Its like we’re their little monkeys they tease with Casey Wilson bananas.  Well I for one shall be NO ONE’S monkey.  Except that I will watch the show.  You win this time, ABC!

Jimmy Fallon may be taking over The Tonight Show and this may be happening as early as next year

I honestly find these host shake ups exhausting.  Yesterday, I thought Howard Stern was taking over. Now its Jimmy Fallon (huge sigh of relief) and its happening super soon.  Tomorrow, we’ll probably find out Mary Kate Olsen is the front runner and but she’s not taking over until 2057.

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