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Madea’s Witness Protection

Madea’s Witness Protection
Michael Vaughn

The Fourth of July was on a Wednesday this year which means that people might be looking for a more relaxing way to spend their weekend. The movies are always a good option for someone looking to kick back and get some good easy entertainment. If this humble writer can make one recommendation it would be the new Madea movie by Tyler Perry.

On the surface this movie seems like a hilarious but pointed discussion on the contemporary state of racial issues in today’s America. Madea’s Witness Protection does not disappoint. Sometimes when the movie trailer looks this funny you worry that all of the great jokes have been wasted and there will be no new comedy in the actual movie. Well let me tell you that this is not the case here! Madea keeps the laughs coming.

OK, obviously I am joking. I am white, and more importantly don’t feel the need to punish myself for any particular reason. I have not, and will not be seeing this movie.

Hollywood used the old box office calculation for success: Eugene Levy + Tom Arnold + a Black Man In Drag (by all accounts a very original and not at all tired novelty) = GOLD! And we wonder why the rest of the world hates us.

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