One Minute Beer Review: Southern Tier – Imperial Creme Brulee Stout

ABV: 9.6%
Take a moment and just take a big whiff of this beer before you actually drink this creme brulee stout. Goodness that’s heavenly. This brew treads that line between dessert and actual beer. Upon initial taste you’re hit with tremendous sweetness and notes of caramel, and vanilla. As a stout, it does have a slight roasty flavor, but the sweetness lingers in the back of your mouth. You do get that burnt sugar feel a bit but it tastes more like birthday cake than creme brulee. While drinking this with Sonny we determined this is best as a post meal sweet tooth treat and we wondered how some whipped cream would go with it. Perhaps next time we pick up a bottle back out east we’ll give the garnish a try.
I can’t wait to try this!!! Love Crème Brulee!