Oskar Blues Brewing Company – Dale’s Pale Ale

Dale’s Pale Ale – Oskar Blues Brewing Company, Longmont, CO
ABV: 6.5%
IBU: 60
Beer in a can is the fucking bee’s knees. And there is something about this little red, white, and blue can that Dale’s comes in that makes me want to chant “USA!” from the top of every mountain from sea to goddamned shining sea. Dale’s Pale Ale is my official beer of Fourth of July (hereby known as “Amurrrcah Day”) and it should be yours too, you goddamned terrorist.
Is there anything more American than the beer can? These compact, cold, and recyclable beer transporting devices have been around since the early 1900’s, but it wasn’t until recently that Oskar Blues popularized the concept. Their slogan (“pack it in, pack it out”) lead to their entire line being canned and canned only. Easily hidden in pockets and purses, this beer can be brought with you almost anywhere you go. Hell yes.
The taste is absolutely divine. The subtle bitterness eventually breaks into its characteristically full on sweet, caramelized hoppy flavor. Hop lovers and haters alike should (and will) enjoy this beer. Perfect for a late night summer barbecue or an outdoor concert. And in a freakishly hot summer like this one, nothing quenches thirst better (looking at you, Gatorade). So grab a six pack of Dale’s (or a twelve pack if you’re feeling adventurous), pop in your Lynyrd Skynyrd album, and watch those motherfuckin’ fireworks fly.
God bless this APA.
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