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Prairie Artisan Ales – Bomb!

Prairie Artisan Ales – Bomb!

Prairie Artisan Ales  – Bomb! (Batch 3 – Blue Wax)

ABV: 14%

A company started by two brothers. They didn’t start it due to a lack of good beer.  They wanted to do something that was “awesome.” Awesome is what they are doing. Prairie Bomb! is ridiculous. A venture from their customary Saison-fare in the best direction! Prairie Artisan Ales is becoming that brewery that when I try a new beer from them, I am never disappointed. This is an AWESOME thing. How awesome? This beer is like the Black Swan in my mouth. This beer is like two dragons eating rapscallions on a burning pirate ship. This beer is . . .

. . . Awesome!

Prairie Artisan Ales Bomb! is an imperial stout aged on espresso beans, chocolate, vanilla beans, and ancho chile peppers. All the flavors meld to create a truly unique beer. The peppers add just the right amount of heat to compliment the intense coffee and chocolate flavors. It’s a well blended mélange of sweet, smoky goodness.

660 x 310 - Prairie Bomb 2

Think Dark: strong black coffee, molasses, chocolate, figs, currants, and toasted coconut with pine notes.  Baker’s chocolate, caramel, a pinch of table sugar, with a roasty, chocolaty, lightly smoky finish with still more of that sweet awesomesauce. Those huge chocolate notes in Prairie Artisan Ales Bomb! – milk and bittersweet – is graced by sweet, mild smoke, molasses, cafe au lait, and a texture like drinking a fur coat. Flawless! The aforementioned coffee, cafe au lait, black currants, and black cherries are afloat on a dark slick of roasted grains, creme brulee, and smoke. You dropped a Bomb! on me Prairie Artisan Ales.

660 x 310 - Prairie Bomb


As the barley pop finishes, huge espresso, dark chocolate, stewed figs and a hop-driven orange-lime tang add up to a powerful, rich Stout that doesn’t need big alcohol to pack a punch. But wait! There is 14% alcohol by volumes up in her’. Yeah. It’s a boozy bitch but you can barely decipher that. No joke. All I get is . . . COFFEE!! Lotsa cafe au lait on that finish dawg, fresh-ground bean, and a hint of crushed hazelnuts, shine through a flood of cocoa, chocolate, cookies, toast, and grains! Fuck me. Go buy Prairie Artisan Ales Bomb! if you can find it.

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