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Roundtable: Your Personality in a Beer Bottle

Roundtable: Your Personality in a Beer Bottle

You are what you eat … but what about what you drink? Are you spicy, aggressive or strong? Are you sweet and citrusy? Are you bitter and sour? Maybe you have a few characteristics that overlap. We’ve asked the staff to pick what their beer personality would be if it was bottled up.

Roundtable Discussion!

Spencer Mapes

My beer personality profile would have to be Bell’s Two Hearted Ale. It’s the kind of beer that’s always there for you with great flavor. Not too aggressive in hops, and not too mellow that you forget about it. There is a balance of consistency and quality that will keep you wanting more.

Phil Joyce

Green flash hop head red. Because hair.

Cory Pelc

Winter BeardStrong and burly, built to last through a few frozen tundras. Pretty sweet and kind once you let it warm up to you.

Josh Buchanan

I would say Troegs Troegenator Double Bock since it has that deceiving ABV, Sure, in small quantities it can be manageable, but it always leaves that thick lacing so you never forget how things got out of hand so quickly. A natural instigator for sure …

Tristan Chan

Great Divide’s now extinct Samurai Ale, what many would assume to be a lager is actually a complex, crisp ale. The obvious similarities would lie in our Asian influences but I like to think the biggest comparison would be our ability to surprise.

Justin Vicroy

Hmmmm… I would have to say Yuengling Lager would best fit my personality. We both can make really good friends anywhere. We don’t strive to be outlandish, we’re more go with the flow type of guys. We’re also available to just about everybody’s budget.

Drew Troller

I’d be something home-brewed. Because you’ll never find it at a club, and it needs CONSTANT attention to work right (even though not a lot of people will ever hear of it).

Andy Hagemann

New Belgium’s Fat Tire would best represent me because of it’s easygoing and approachable taste, my fondness for Colorado, and cycling as a lifestyle.

Jason Behler

Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout. Love breakfast, love the Commonwealth of Kentucky and love bourbon.

Erin Petrey

I would definitely be an Imperial IPA, so I am going with the utlra-Imperial Pliny the Younger Triple IPA from Russian River. I can be extremely difficult to get ahold of at times, just like this limited release beer. I am too outspoken and strong-headed to be a run-of-the-mill IPA, and the Triple has a much more extroverted flavor to it. This brew is also light complected like I am. And just like this ancient Roman politician, I look fantastic in a laurel wreath and dig villas on Lake Como.

Kyle Buchanan

Hippy Sippy – Imperial Stout – Fat Head’s Brewery.

Fat HeadCoffee, Chocolate, and hippies = why not!! Although some could argue that I am not the biggest hippy out there – compared to the rest of my family – I’d like to say that it runs through my veins just a little. I love to enjoy my beer one sip at a time and enjoy the transformation that this brings about. Having an open mind is important to me and this beer helps me do just that!!

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