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Roundtable Discussion | The Life and Times of Philip Seymour Hoffman

Roundtable Discussion | The Life and Times of Philip Seymour Hoffman
Lindsay Krumel

Philip Seymour Hoffman, undoubtedly one of the greatest actors of our time, tragically passed away at the age of 46 on Sunday, February 2. Taking a cue from our friends at Now This News, we asked our staff for their favorite memories of Hoffman’s incredible career. Please feel free to share yours in the comment section below.

Lindsay Krumel

I personally found him hilarious in Charlie Wilson’s War, especially in the “Another Broken Window” scene:

Drew Davis

Make it RAIN!


Jason Behler

“This is our concern, Dude.” -PSH as Brandt in the Big Lebowski

Marie DeAeth

Almost Famous:

Lester Bangs: They make you feel cool. And hey. I met you. You are not cool.

William Miller: I know. Even when I thought I was, I knew I wasn’t.

Lester Bangs: That’s because we’re uncool. And while women will always be a problem for us, most of the great art in the world is about that very same problem. Good-looking people don’t have any spine. Their art never lasts. They get the girls, but we’re smarter.

William Miller: I can really see that now.

Lester Bangs: Yeah, great art is about conflict and pain and guilt and longing and love disguised as sex, and sex disguised as love… and let’s face it, you got a big head start.

William Miller: I’m glad you were home.

Lester Bangs: I’m always home. I’m uncool.

William Miller: Me too!

Lester Bangs: The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone else when we’re uncool.

(Courtesy of IMDB)

Cory Pelc


Mitch Roman: I don’t like you!

Hunter Patch Adams: Why don’t you like me? You’re a prick and I like you.

Erin Petrey

As Gust Avrokotos in Charlie Wilson’s War to his boss at the CIA: “Yeah. Well I’d like to take a moment to review the several ways in which you’re a douche bag.”

And then he smashes the guys office window with a hammer. It’s pretty wonderful.

Scott Hoffman

Admittedly a weird reference in a career full of great roles, but I loved him in Mission Impossible 3. He plays an excellent villain with the amount of intensity he brings to the screen. I read something last night that described it as a Hannibal Lecter quality – more fearsome, dangerous and manipulative while under lock and key.

Also, he made Tom Cruise tolerable.

Erin Petrey

Apparently I misspelled Avrakotos…

Brad Hartsock


Justin Vicroy

I’m torn between his role in Spike Lee’s 25th Hour & as Lester Bangs in Almost Famous.

Becca G

Loved him in Boogie Nights playing an extremely awkward and sexually repressed man. So funny when he tries to kiss Dirk in front of his car!! Best scene:)

Katharine Clark

PSH started out as a brilliant character actor and then blossomed into something of a phenom. One of my favorite early movies he was in was the looney nerd side kick in Twister (1997), Dusty.  It’s a really bad movie but I kinda dig it. IT’S THE EXTREME!.

Also, I adored an early movie that was written by PSH’s older brother Gordy Hoffman called Love Liza (2002). PSH plays a strange man whose wife inexplicably commits suicide and his grieving process. The movie is flawed but brilliant (some of the best movies are in this category) and PSH is breathtaking in it.

Laura Mego

Pelc stole my thunder on this one- he was so awesome (and underrated) in Patch Adams

Lindsay Krumel

And let’s not forget Sandy Lyle!

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