Roundtable Discussion | Seasonal Beers Out of Season

Fellow PorchDrinking staff member Joshua Kan started the discussion about a week ago. His story goes a little like this.
A friend of mine just posted this status:
“Boycotting pumpkin beers and pumpkin spice coffees until it’s OFFICIALLY fall. One season at a time guys. Don’t be a Walmart.”
Thought it was a pretty interesting topic. What are your thoughts on drinking seasonal beers out of season?
Christopher Day
Pumpkin beers are tolerated at best and I’d better not see them before October.
Danny King
I literally just finished my first pumpkin of the year and feel like a failure. Was trying to hold out till September but they have been hounding me from store displays and taps since August 1.
Brady Akers
It really depends on the beer. I will drink Rumpkin or Cascade’s Pumpkin Smash whenever I am lucky enough to get my hands on them.
Kevin Risner
I thought all this pumpkin stuff started in September …
Niel Stender
Pumpkin beer me 24/7/365.
Tristan Chan
I’m actually gonna write a post about this. Glad you brought it up.
Scott Hoffman
As long as it’s a good beer, I don’t care when they release it. I’ll drink Christmas beer in July if it’s good.
Christopher Day
Suggested post: pumpkin beers that are actually good.
Phil Joyce
Pumpkins aren’t even ready to be harvested yet … I prefer brewing with them when they are in season and at “peak of ripeness.” I’ll stick with fresh hops and peaches until pumpkins are ready.
Andrew Johnson
I wait to drink holiday beers. Right now they tend to be a little heavy for the weather. I buy them now and hold on to them until I’m ready to drink them.
Colin Clancy
I stock up on Oktoberfest. I’ve bought multiple cases of Leinenkugels Oktoberfest to last through winter.
Kevin Risner
Yes, I find Oktoberfests are wonderful even after the late summer/early fall season. (Almost) Nothing better than a marzen in the cold of winter. The one seasonal I can’t indulge in off-season is Christmas ale, especially after New Year’s Day or in July. November and December are fine enough; by the time New Year’s Eve hits, I’ve had my fill of them all!
Scott Hoffman
Upslope had their Christmas beer on tap at the brewery last month, and it was honestly kind of fantastic.
Kevin Risner
I wonder if the off-season skunkitude is more when it’s in bottle form than in keg? I wish I was more knowledgeable about the storage life of drafts, and what works best. It might also depend on the type of beer and brewery …? That said, I did try 12 Dogs of Christmas on draft in July once, and it was great! I’ve had others that were revolting …
Tristan Chan
I recently tried doing a pumpkin beer in August … it just wasn’t right. In the future I’ll wait until post Labor Day perhaps until it gets a tad chilly out.
Brady Akers
I normally try to refrain from fall and winter beers (pumpkin, Oktoberfest, holiday beers) until after Labor Day. There are exceptions to this unwritten rule. For example, I was able to find Warlock this last weekend so I shared that with a couple friends. Also, if the opportunity to partake in some Avery Rumpkin ever comes about, I am all over that!
Carly Mento
I can always, always go for Heartland Brewery’s Apricot Ale. Delish year round!
Andy Hagemann
I definitely wait on the heavier beers. Stouts and porters and quads just never sound refreshing during the summer. I like to drink those preferably in front of a roaring fire.
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