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Three Floyd’s Brewing Dark Lord Days

three floyds dark lord

By our nature, we covet.  And how do we begin to covet, you may ask?  Do we seek out things to covet?  Sure, we love the unusual and the eclectic; we find beauty in rare things and seek out that one of a kind piece.

We begin by coveting what we see every day.  And don’t your eyes seek out the things you want?  Yes they do.  And so do our taste buds!  This is why the Dark Lord Imperial Stout by Three Floyds Brewing is so coveted.  We see that big, gnarly bottle with the brute adorning the label.  We see the wax dipped, crown cap with a different color for each year of vintage.  Everyone we know is talking about it and everyone raves about it.  It is the beer to try and is it the ‘white whale’ in most beer connoisseurs’must try list.  A demonic Russian Style Imperial Stout brewed with Intelligentsia coffee, Mexican vanilla, and Indian sugar.  This beer defies description, and is available only one day a year in April at the brewery, at the celebration of itself – Dark Lord Day.  If this beer isn’t worth coveting, then we don’t have much to covet, do we?

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