Ultimate 6er | Brew Ha-Ha: Malts edition

At Brew Ha-Ha, Betsy and I endeavored to create an Ultimate 6er, however there were 100 beers represented and we didn’t want to leave any of our favorites out. You know what that means? Double-dose of Ultimate 6ers today! I’m taking on my favorites from the malts end of the spectrum, while Betsy sorts out the hops in a little bit.
Avery’s The Reverend
I’m going to start my Ultimate 6er exactly where I started my night, with Avery’s The Reverend. It inspired a sense of awe only comparable to a virgin giving birth. With several varieties of Belgian malts, this beer has all the smokiness of a Belgian without the banana taste. (If you like bananas, stick around I’ve got something special for you coming up.) Every sip I tasted something a little different— caramel, molasses, cherries. I really wanted more by the time the little taster cup was empty. (Pictured: Right, along side Avery IPA.)
Bell’s Porter
For the next beer I went back to something a little more traditional, Bell’s Porter. It was pretty thick for a porter and reminded me more of a stout than anything, but it was also a good dose of the familiar after The Reverend. The first sip evoked Edy’s French Silk ice cream, which just so happens to be my favorite flavor. The hops are more noticeable as you swallow, so continue on to beer #3 to satiate your thirst.
New Holland’s Dragon’s Milk
I think this is a must-drink for stout lovers. I’ve had it before and couldn’t pass up the chance to taste the Dragon’s Milk again. It’s got a great bourbony warmth to it right away, with some coffee and chocolate creeping in. It’s not terribly thick, so it’s great in a 6-pack, but beware— it’s also got 10% ABV. Also, I should tell you that this picture is a little deceptive. It had a beautiful head on it, but I had to sip some before I got back our table. I’m impatient when good things are concerned.
Fat Head’s Sorcerer
Now, let’s move on to something to get us over the fourth beer hump. It’s got to be something different, and Fat Head’s Sorcerer definitely is. I hope you like banana Laffy Taffy because you’re about to drink it. It won’t leave that sticky banana feeling in the back of your mouth The Sorcerer is not a beer I’d drink more than one of, but it’s great for having just one in the midst of some heavier brews.
Mt. Carmel’s 3rd Shift Imperial Coffee Stout
As the name implies, this is a great late-game beer. It’s also black as night. It uses beans from local Cincinnati roasterie La Terza and goes down super smooth with some of the chewiness characteristic of espresso. There are also some tangy cherry and chocolate notes—always a good combo in my book. But, most notably, Mt. Carmel earns what might be the biggest compliment I can give: this stout made me proud to be a Cincinnatian at last. I wish I’d had it sooner.
Founder’s Dirty Bastard
Now that my Cincinnati love fest has concluded it’s time to move on the final beer in this Brew Ha-Ha 6 pack roster: Founder’s Dirty Bastard. I would definitely classify this as a dessert beer. Super sweet, sticky, and reminiscent of bourbon and IBC Cherry Cola (who doesn’t love a good throw back to those 35 cent cans?), it’s not very sessionable, but hey, it’s probably the end of your night at this point any how. (Pictured: Left, along side Big Eddy Wee Heavy Scotch Ale)
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