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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 20

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 20
Alex Cadice

Hhhheeeelllllllloooo errbody! How are you doing? …. Oh really? …. That’s great! Well, to top that off, how about some interNEAT treats? You deserve him for everything you’ve been through. 😉

5. I really thought we were done with Miley Cyrus-Wrecking Ball stuff. I was wrong.

4. Speaking of things that seem dated, have you ever visited lately? It is straight from your old Xanga account.

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The site is only matched by Space Jam’s.

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3. I didn’t really have a way to categorize all these. Sooo, just enjoy all these random photos.







Please be careful when presenting to your class.
Please be careful when presenting to your class.

2. Holy Golden Globes! God bless Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. A quick note of the best parts:

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

Seth Meyers and Andy Samberg

Emma Thompson

The Muppets Commercial

Jennifer Lawrence

She even introduced “Lawrencing.”


1. Finally, I’m putting this out there. The real winner from Sunday was Peyton Manning. Mark it down now: Peyton Manning… is the Jennifer Lawrence of the NFL.

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See you in a .gif, Alex

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