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America Now Boasts Over 6000 Breweries in Operation & More Beer Stats

America Now Boasts Over 6000 Breweries in Operation & More Beer Stats

The Brewers Association published its end of year report this morning announcing that there were over 6,000 breweries in operation across the United States in 2017. That number reflects an increase of over 438 operational breweries since their mid-year report was announced in August, and an increase of approximately 1000 breweries in operation since last December 2016.

Craft beer isn’t just growing in the country’s most densely populated area, it’s geographic reach has extended across the country. As of 2017, over 83% of the U.S. population of adults 21 and over live within 10 miles of a brewery.

“Craft brewers continue to thrive, if at a slower pace, fueled by a passionate community dedicated to bringing innovation, jobs and beer across America—on Main Street and beyond,” said Bart Watson, chief economist, Brewers Association. “Today, 83 percent of the population lives within 10 miles of a local brewery, meaning that the positive impact of breweries is being felt in communities all over the country.”

How does that all shake out in terms of economic impact? The Brewers Association estimates that craft beer is responsible for employing over 456,373 jobs, and had a $67.8 billion contribution to the U.S. economy in 2016, a 21% increase since the last census in 2014.

And now that we’re in the holiday season, with giving back fresh on everyone’s minds, craft beer gave back an estimated $73.4 million in donations this past year. For more on this year in beer check out the infographics below provided by The Brewers Association.

America Now Boasts Over 6000 Breweries in Operation

number of jobs impacted by beer industry

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