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Awesomesauce | Blog Lovin’

Awesomesauce | Blog Lovin’
Laura Mego

When I’m not paying homage to the Bard’s 450th birthday by reading my copy of “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, A New Hope” (yes, I’m a nerd, I believe we’ve established this in-depth), I try and catch up with some of my favorite blogs on Feedly (RIP, Google Reader – you shall be missed terribly.)

Here are some of the blogs that have been making me giggle over the last few months:

The Bloggess

Jenny Lawson (aka The Bloggess) writes about her life full of taxidermied animals in Victorian clothing, metal chickens, and interesting conversations with her very patient husband Victor and daughter Hailey.  The woman has a serious sarcastic streak, and has a gift with words: “Thursday also happens to be Take Your Daughter To Work Day and so I’m going to spend the day showing her what it’s like being a real writer, but with less booze,” and “Glitter never goes away. It’s like a shiny grudge you leave behind to remind people how much you hate them,” are two of my personal favorites from some of her recent posts.  To get a taste of the Bloggess, google “Beyonce the Metal Chicken.”  Also, her cats are named “Ferris Mewler” and “Hunter S. Tomcat” so, win.

Young House Love

John and Sherry Petersik run this home improvement blog centered on their DIY renovations to their midcentury home in Richmond, Virginia (Or should I say homes? They’ve moved twice since the blog started, so they always manage to have a project to work on.)  They met when they both worked in advertising in Manhattan, and started the blog in 2007 as a way to keep their families updated on their kitchen remodel.   Fast forward to now; they have a New York Times Bestseller, their own Benjamin Moore collection of paint colors, a lighting collection with Shades of Light, and their very own line of home goods sold at Target – not bad! They’re always willing to share both the good, the bad, and the ugly, which keeps their posts fun, and they don’t take themselves too seriously.  Plus, at least one post a week motivates me enough to feel bad about not DIYing something in my house, so there’s that…

Tom and Lorenzo/Project Rungay

Fashion bloggers (who I’ve mentioned before here) Tom Fitzgerald and Lorenzo Marquez got their start writing Project Runway recaps, and they now spend their time evaluating starlets on how they style the freebies they get from famous designers.  Highlights of the blog include their (INCREDIBLY detailed) Mad Style posts about Janie Bryant’s brilliant costume choices on Mad Men, and GTNYD (Girl, that is NOT your dress!) posts, a must read for anyone feeling snarky.  In their own words: “Think of it [the blog] like an extended water-cooler conversation with the two funny, bitchy gay guys you work with. And if you don’t work with any funny, bitchy gay guys, let us first offer our deepest sympathy and let us next inform you that you just found two proxy gays.”

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