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Denver International Airport Celebrates Craft Beer

beer flights denver international airport

I love the airport. I love the romanticism behind reuniting with loved ones, the anticipation of traveling somewhere exotic, the ebb and flow of humans moving toward a different destination.

But if there’s one airport ritual that is almost universally appreciated above all others, it’d have to be that pre-flight pour of craft beer to help calm the nerves. Well, Denver International Airport is about to make that pre-flight drink a little more craft-forward.

Starting September, 19th through October 4th DIA will host a temporary Beer Garden in the middle of Jeppesen Terminal to coincide with Denver Beer Fest, the Great American Beer Festival and the internationally celebrated Oktoberfest.

For $10 visitors to the Beer Garden will be treated to commemorative glass, a bag of pretzels from Southwest airline, and 10 two ounce samples from the following breweries:

·         Avery Brewing Company

·         Breckenridge Brewery

·         Bristol Brewing Company

·         Dry Dock Brewing Company

·         Great Divide Brewing Company

·         Left Hand Brewing Company

·         New Belgium Brewing Company

·         Odell Brewing Company

·         Ska Brewing Company

·         Pug Ryan’s Brewery Company

·         Telluride Brewing Company

The interactive beer-centic campaign under the name “Beer Flights” also includes live music, brew-trivia, local art, a photo contest, and talks from Colorado brew masters. DIA visitors can also check out Colorado on Tap: The State of Brew Culture, an art exhibit on the pre-security bridge walkway to A Gates that features educational information about the craft beer culture and its impact in the creative industry in Colorado.

While it can sometimes be a bit stressful planning to arrive at the airport early enough to ensure a spot on your flight, these next few weeks enjoy your promptness by taking in some of Colorado’s finest craft beer offerings.

beer flights denver international airport

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