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What We’re Drinking | July 2nd, 2016

What We’re Drinking | July 2nd, 2016
Lanie Novack

4th of July has arrived, my friends. We’ve got a long few days of PorchDrinking and sparkler-waving ahead of us, so stock up on your favorite summer brews and get ready to celebrate. Here are a few of our favorites. Break out the koozies and red solo cups… this weekend, we drink to Amurica! *clink*

Kwingston’s Kitty Cat-ina | Pipeworks Brewing Company

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“My first Pipeworks beer did not disappoint. “Meow-garita” inspired Pale Ale with smoked wheat, orange zest, lime, agave nectar, and salt! Needed a margarita glass to drink this baby out of.”         K.C. Cunilio

Infinite Amber Ale | Jailbreak Brewing Co.

Jailbreak Brewing Co. - Infinite Amber ale (1)

“Hanging out at The Greene Turtle waiting on my flight at BWI and enjoying a local brew from one of Maryland’s finest breweries. Tasty and malty Amber that went well with my crab cake sandwich.”     John Pylant

Dog Ate My Homework | Brouwerij West

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“This is blackberry jam! Reminiscent of dry brut rosé. A clean and crisp beer with great fruit presence but isn’t too sweet.” Cory Pelc

Nimble Giant | Tröegs Independent Brewing


“This big, citrusy DIPA was the perfect 7:30am nightcap after a long night shift. So glad I managed to snag a 4-pack!” Dan Bortz

Modus Mandarina | Ska Brewing


“Welcome to Utah! Ska Brewing’s Modus Mandarina IPA snuck in here along with a few others recently. Nice citrus bite followed by a smooth hoppy finish. Always excited when new brews hit the state. Cheers!” Chris Hollands

Los Locos | Epic Brewing

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“From the top of Mt. Huron! A miraculously refreshing brew after a long, sweaty hike. Los Locos is a Mexican Lager with lime and sea salt — I’ve definitely noticed lime in a bunch of Goses lately, which is delicious, but I really appreciate the similar flavor profile sans sourness in Los Locos. One of my favorite summer brewskis fer sure.” Lanie Novack

Martinique | Diebolt Brewing Co.


“From a couple of nights ago, I’m slow at uploading photos apparently. Diebolt’s Martinique with Guava, Orange Peel, and Plantain Flour… I was wishing I was at the beach!” Holly Gerard

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