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The Weekly Buzz | October 28 – November 3

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

As we enter into November, we are all feeling beaten down and emotionally drained from all of the election coverage. The arguing and stupidity is really starting to take its toll, so it felt necessary to keep it light this week. Grab a beer and prepare to be disappointed. I’m going on a beer-cation this weekend, so I’ve really phoned in this week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz… 

Bet you can’t watch this just once!

Night Shift is taking distribution into their own hands.

They’re standing on principle against big beer.

This is my kind of carb loading!

My kids aren’t going to get a single peanut butter cup…

I’m no nutritionist, but this sounds 100% accurate.

My pumpkin carving did not turn out this well…

Philadelphians have strong opinions…

In an industry that feels so young, a little history is a great thing.

Pajamas? What if I sleep in the nude?

My pumpkin seeds were wiped out in a day…

The four Mikes sounds like a door wop group. When are they going on tour?

Michael Phelps, who?

A new take on a craft beer classic.

Is that the tank? Excuse me!

Meka leka hi meka hiney ho!

Boom! That’s what we call a collaboration.

Your choices don’t end in the voting booth. Which would you choose?

Your chance to win!

Check out this pour list!

A little Public Service Announcement…

Blend it faster!!

Don’t forget, breweries are factories. It’s important to consider safety.

Vote at the polls, then vote at the brewery!

A brewery raising money for kids? We’re getting a case of the feels!

Another brewery with another great cause!

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