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PorchDrinking Playlist | Be Kind, Rewind (A New Year’s Resolution Check-In)

PorchDrinking Playlist | Be Kind, Rewind (A New Year’s Resolution Check-In)
Sarah Boisen

How has 2017 been treating you so far? I think it has been a pretty rockin’ year. I fully expected 2017 to commence in a far more miserable fashion judging by the speed at which people determinedly blotted out the remainder of 2016 with an impressively steady flow of champagne. To my (personal) pleasant surprise, even the hangovers in 2017 appear to have resolutions which I’m convinced have something to do with showing a little bit of mercy.

As we carry on the resolutions made in January, I’m checking in to make sure that the majority of these resolutions include projecting some form of compassion into the world. Though kindness doesn’t require a resolution to be initiated, sometimes considering the possibility of a fresh start is the perfect motivation to come out swinging (or in this case, hugging). Enjoy this short but sweet collection of Louis Armstrong, Simon and Garfunkel, Ray Charles and John Denver to help ease you into the next year.

And if you’re still battling a hangover, good luck with that—give it a hug and have it listen to this playlist, there’s a possibility its own resolution is still kicking in.

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