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Beer & Book Club | #GIRLBOSS

Beer & Book Club | #GIRLBOSS

Welcome to the third installment of the Beer & Book Club series! I love the idea that each month a new individual can highlight a great read and a delicious brew to go along with it. When one pictures the craft beer world a few common themes repeat: beards, barrel-aged and hops (lots of hops). That is why for my first Beer & Book report I wanted to highlight some serious girl power.

The Book

#GIRLBOSS is all about Sophia Amoruso’s rocky path to her current state of being CEO and Creative Director of Nasty Gal, an e-commerce site for the girl who is unapologetic about her style and is a total force of nature in her own right. In Sophia’s own words, “Own your style like you own your used car!”

She owns her missteps and better yet, provides insight to what she was thinking and how she stumbled on to a hugely successful business. I mean, how many times have you heard a CEO say they ate dumpster bagels and admitted to shoplifting?! You don’t, until now.

Her realness is what kept me turning the page; She didn’t attend a four year college and she couldn’t get a business loan because her credit was legit terrible (so terrible that even when she could afford to make payments on a Porsche they couldn’t give her a loan due to her credit, even if “she had a million in the bank,” so she paid for it in cash and drove it home).

She also showcases other #GIRLBOSSes in “Portraits of a #GIRLBOSS” throughout the book, some you may or may not have heard of but are successful in their fields. There is a section called Hiring, Staying Employed, and Firing which is real talk but don’t expect her to whisper the short path to success in your ear—all the advice in this section (as well as the whole book) is for real life. Want the job? Be on time, dressed properly, and don’t expect you will get the job cause you’re a huge fan. Oh, and cover letters suck but hiring managers love them!

The Beer

I was happy to pick a local brewery that had female brewers. Drake’s Hopocalypse Blood Orange Double IPA (also known as Hopocalypse Red Label) was the clear winner for this pairing. It has a gorgeous orange-y red color, bold hop flavors, and the blood orange comes across as the star of the show. Just like any #GIRLBOSS—unique and bold.

Drake’s brews out of San Leandro, CA and Hopocalypse is released but once a year, with a few different variations on the IPA.

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