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Ommegang – Three Philosophers

Three Philosophers - Brewery Ommegang
Scott Hoffman

Three Philosophers - Brewery OmmegangThree Philosophers – Brewery Ommegang, Cooperstown, NY

ABV: 9.8%

Dear fruit beer,

Look, we’ve had a good run. When I was 21, you were my first. Now that I’m older, I can’t put up with your damn inconsistencies. Sometimes you’re like a terrible Boone’s Farm knock-off. Other times you are my Favorite. Beer. Ever. I feel like I’m the only one working to make this relationship better. I need you to pull a Robyn and “Show Me Love.”

Wait, you have a gift for me? Ommegang Three Philosophers? It sounds fancy. Oh hey, it has a cork, too?! You really do love me! But really, if this is another beer that’s just going to make me wake up the next morning regretting my decisions, we’re done. I can’t go through this pain again.

I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.  You’ve brought me New Belgium Kick and New Glarus Raspberry Tart before, so I know you’re capable.

Oh wow, this is fantastic! Have you been reading Cosmo? The way you perfectly balance the cherry/pomegranate flavors so that it doesn’t overpower the beer is just plain freaky. And that pour? Dark plum colors with a slight red finish—you’re like a whole new beer.

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