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Cumberland Brewery – Moonbow Wit

Cumberland Brewery – Moonbow Wit
Betsy Schneider

Moonbow Wit – Cumberland Brewery Louisville, KY

ABV: 4.6

IBU: 12

Louisville, Kentucky will always be one of my all-time favorite cities. It holds my best memories and it’s where I found some of my greatest friends. It makes sense, then, that my inaugural beer review be one that comes straight from the heart of the Derby City. Cumberland Brewery is a cool little spot located in the Highlands district of Louisville that personifies the hometown’s motto – “Keep Louisville Weird” – meaning support local and unique businesses and the city’s independent economic growth. All of their beers are unique and delicious.

I usually go for a dark, full flavored stout beer, but today is an especially pretty day. I’m back in my favorite city catching up with a friend so I think, “Why not try something fresh and new?” So for this occassion, I chose the summer seasonal Moonbow Wit, named for the Lunar Rainbow seen at Cumberland Falls. It’s a Belgian wheat ale described as floraly and citrusy. I was expecting an orange colored, see through glass, Blue Moon-esque fruitiness, so I was pleasantly surprised with the thicker consistency of this beer. It was kind of orange, yes, in color and in flavor. Actually, I thought it kind of tasted like orange juice and beer mixed together, kind of like a lunch box, without the liqueur. A concoction I found to be rather refreshing, believe it or not. This beer was sweet and light, went down easy, and perfectly suited an afternoon chat with a neat friend – an occasion that I would definitely recommend it for.

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