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Funkwerks Fruition – It taste like Fruit(ion)?

Funkwerks Fruition – It taste like Fruit(ion)?
Will Dozier



Fruition, Funkwerks Brewery, Denver, CO
ABV: 6%

Background: Funkwerks opened it doors in 2010 and since then they have been making killer saisons. This has been one of my favorite breweries that has popped up in the past few years. For their second year, they brewed their first summer seasonal, Fruition. This saison is brewed with grains of paradise, pink peppercorns, fresh ginger, and apricot puree. To say the least, I was very excited to sit down and give this a try. Sounds like the perfect combination for a summer beer.

Tasting: Fruition pours a hazy yellow with a white creamy head. A little bit of funkiness, citric acid, and grain waft out of the glass. The smell of apricot is very faint. This beer brings a nice tartness and funk at first taste. Moves into the ginger, peppercorn, and a slight bit of apricot. For a beer with fruit in the name, the apricot has been dialed back. Overall, a refreshing summer beer but kind of disappointing in terms of the fruit.

Aging: This beer should be consumed fresh. Although it will develop in the bottle, the fruit will fade very quickly.

Recommendation: I love Funkwerks and this beer is not a “bad” beer but I don’t think I will seek out another bottle.

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