High Gravity Brewing On Its Way!

Lately trying to keep track of new breweries has been kinda like trying to keep track of FroYo stores, they keep popping up and I completely OK with that. The latest in Denver’s Craft Beer Renaissance period is Craig Rothgery’s High Gravity Brewing which is hoping to open it’s doors by late December or early January, a perfect way to start the new year.
High Gravity will focus on just that, higher gravity beers with ABVs of 8% or higher. Their flagship brew will be either a Belgian Strong Ale, or a Double IPA, which weighs in at 90 IBUs but boasts sweeter, maltier tastes that traditional double IPAs. Rothgery predicts 8 to 12 taps which will rotate frequently due to their smaller 1.25 barrel system. Beers will be named by style and batch number due to the high volume of variability.
Located at 4342 Tennyson St., High Gravity will add to the Highlands’ already growing brewery scene in the Hogshead and Hops and Pie’s upcoming brewery. PorchDrinking will have more when High Gravity is ready to open it’s doors. To find out more visit their Facebook page at facebook.com/
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