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Roundtable Discussion: Are You Ready For Some Football?!

Roundtable Discussion: Are You Ready For Some Football?!

I’m pretty sure you can already feel it in the air, that crisp early morning breeze, the prevalence of leaves starting to crunch with each step you take down the sidewalk, the crackle and aroma of wings wafting through the air, and the unavoidable discord coming from national pundits about an irrelevant Tim Tebow… let me repeat IRRELEVANT.  

Ah yes it is time for football season once again.  Aside from the annoying WHO-Dey’s, O-H’s, and Roll-Tides this is typically a fantastic time of year.  So the PorchDrinking staff sat down to discuss what we were most excited about for this football season.

Adam: I’m looking forward to not having to watch Tebow every week.  Peyton Manning!

Vic: I second the whole No Tebow Watching. I try to stuff as much College Football viewing as I can on Saturdays before I work. Oh the life of liquor retail… Sundays, I try at least catch the Sunday night game. Vic’s Vandals will win every league this year…

LVZ: College football is my thing. I look forward to talking at the bar with customers who have loyalties from across the country. I especially like talking to Badger fans because they are definitely the smartest and best looking.
Scott: Two-for-one beers at Gov’s. Hanging out with my fellow CHI fans again. Watching the Cutler to Marshall connection propel Chicago to the Super Bowl. COUNT IT!
Nate: Having attended the University of Colorado, my college football experience has been FAR from enjoyable. The Buffs were truly something to behold during my freshman year (though, Mason Crosby was our best player, and that says something). However, as the years went by they got worse and worse. So, I honestly don’t have a lot of hope for them this year; though, maybe that’s a good thing. As for the NFL? Hell fucking yes. I cannot wait for that season to start. Not only am I excited about the Broncos (PFM, baby!), but I also just really enjoy watching football games. And yes, that includes Tim Tebow.
Lindsay: I’m looking forward to going to the OSU v. Miami game this Saturday, and just the season in general! I’m a huge Ohio State fan, so I’m super excited to see what Urban Meyer has been doing with the Buckeyes 🙂 I’m also hoping my Bobcats can pull off a win against Penn State this weekend! As far as the NFL is concerned, I’m a Bengals girl all the way, so that’s usually a letdown, but hey, it’s looking like we’ll at least be better than the “Cleveland Clowns,” as my brother likes to call them.
Vic: WHO DEY!!!! For all those Bengal fans out there! AFC North Champs!
Tristan: Grrrrrreat… our first Who Dey… Dey in Jail… just sayin’
Cat: Who Dey! But I don’t have TV…so who wants to get together to watch the Bengals?? Sunday Funday group?? Calls for buffalo wings and beer.
Cody: During the football season I always go to my parents house and watch the games with my dad. It is a great weekly ritual of getting together and  drinking good beer and watching the games. More they I am on his fantasy football league I’m sure there week be more smack talk then anything this year.
Hank: Having games to watch on the weekend is definitely good. Fantasy leagues are even better. But also, Sportscenter will be watchable for the first time since whenever the NBA ended. Not even watchable, exactly. Just turn-on-and-ignore-able. Can’t even manage that when baseball’s the only game going.
Thanks for joining us… Are YOU ready for some football?!?!

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