One Minute Review – Anchor Summer Beer

ABV: 4.5%
Availability: April-October
It’s official: summer is winding down. People are starting to head back to school, pools will close soon, and retailers are putting their summer styles on clearance. It’s time to soak up the last you can of summer—including seasonal beers!
I tried Anchor Brewing Company‘s Summer Beer recently, and I’ll give it a C.
It’s a pretty average wheat beer—good, not great. It’s light, a little bit citrusy, and crisp. It’s refreshing, easy to drink and would definitely be good at a BBQ with the PorchDrinking Playlist playing in the background. The only real drawback is that it wasn’t quite as summer-y as I would have liked. I’m not 100% sure what I mean by that, but it just didn’t make me think of summer. I suppose it might not be fair to compare it to beers like Summer Shandy or Porchrocker, which kind of slap you in the face with summer … but oh well, slape diem!
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