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David Markham’s Avery IPA Winning Homebrew Recipe

David Markham’s Avery IPA Winning Homebrew Recipe

We caught up with David Markham, the winner of the Avery IPA Fest homebrew contest, and he was nice enough to share some tips for starting your own homebrew as well as some info about his winning homebrew recipe. David’s Belgian Pale Ale had prominent yeast flavors, but it finished clean. It was not so strongly hop forward nor was it very citrus-y which differs from most traditional American IPAs, but matched well with it’s subtle malty flavors in the background. It would work well as a fall seasonal. How may other beers did you have to beat out to win?

David: Honestly, I don’t know. I just know there were a lot of entries. 

PD: Is this the original recipe that won the contest?

David: Yes, this is the winning batch. This is the stuff that won. 

PD: What type of advice can you provide to those out there who are looking to get into homebrewing?

David: The best advice I can give is to simply walk into a home-brew shop around the area. Tell them you’re thinking about starting out, and they’ll be happy to give you assistance. It doesn’t even need to be expensive. The most expensive part of my homebrew set up is a really large pot. Otherwise you’re going to be setting aside bottles or spending extra cash on bottles. It doesn’t have to be expensive to make good beer. 

PD: I think the concern is that beginners will be better suited to start out with a cheaper plastic set …

David: Just walking into one of these places, which are all over Denver and Boulder—they’ll be able to set you on the right path. 

Below is David’s recipe:

Style: Belgian Pale Ale
Batch: 4.50 gal. Partial Mash

Recipe Gravity: 1.080 OG
Approx Recipe Bitterness: 58 IBU
Recipe Color: 11 SRM
Actual FG: 1.014
Alcohol by Volume: 8.5%

Acidulated Malt 0.25 lb, Grain, Other
Belgian aromatic malt 0.50 lb, Grain, Mashed
CaraVienne 0.50 lb, Grain, Mashed
German pilsener 2.75 lb, Grain, Mashed
Light malt extract 6.50 lb, Extract, Extract added at 15 min

Citra 2.00 oz, Pellet, 0 minutes
Amarillo 0.50 oz, Pellet, 0 minutes
Willamette 0.50 oz, Pellet, 0 minutes
Citra 1.00 oz, Pellet, 0 minutes
Galena 0.25 oz, Pellet, 0 minutes
Amarillo 0.50 oz, Pellet, 5 minutes
Galena 0.25 oz, Pellet, 5 minutes
Willamette 0.50 oz, Pellet, 5 minutes
Citra 1.00 oz, Pellet, 5 minutes
Galena 0.50 oz, Pellet, 60 minutes
Citra 1.00 oz, Pellet, FWH
Wyeast 1214 Belgian Abbey 1.00 pack


Brewed 8/2/12, accidental slight underfill in carboy but I left it. Step mashed: Protein rest @ 125(ish) for 20min, conversion rest @ 148 for 60 min. OG 1.080 (!). FG @ 1.014. ABV 8.5%. Racked 8/12/12, onto gelatin finings. Added 2 oz dry hops 8/15/12. Bottled 8/22/12 with 3.5oz sucrose.


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