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Pop Culture Week in Review 9/21-9/28

Pop Culture Week in Review 9/21-9/28
  • On September 28, 2012

So I’m pretty sure we’re all over the Emmy’s at this point.

Many of you may be thinking, “Oh yeah, I forgot that just happened.”  And I don’t blame you because they were a total snooze.  Here are the only important parts:

– This really heinous shade of neon yellow/green was inexplicably all the rage on the red carpet.  At some point, a stylist picked this out of all of the dresses in the world and the lady star picked this dress out of a rack of other dresses.  There were multiple chances for this to not happen and yet here we are. Bonus: Julianne Moore’s boobs looked super weird in her awkward undertit corset deal she had on.  The is the extent of the red carpet coverage.

– Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert hug-tackling Jon Stewart and he walked to the stage to accept the award (again) for Best Somethingorother For a Variety, Comedy or Musical Program. Talk about committing to the bit.

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– Amy Poehler makes shit happen.  After the lady pageant she organized for Best Lead Actress in a Comedy last year, she went out of her way to help out several (or two that I can remember) bits this year.  One was a pre-recorded bit for that I can’t find on YouTube so it might as well not have happened (but it involved her and another writer refusing to participate and her saying, “Louis CK isn’t doing this.  He would never do this shit.” Cut to: picture of Louis CK where his bit should have been).  But her stand out moment was when she was robbed  lost Best Actress in a Comedy to Julia Louis-Dreyfus and somehow her speech managed to wind up in Louis-Dreyfus’s hands.  Even when she loses, she wins.

– Somehow, Jon fucking Cryer wrangled himself an Emmy for Best LEAD Actor in a Comedy Series.  He beat Alec Baldwin, Louis CK and others.  Ok so maybe this wasn’t the strongest category, but I mean seriously- Why are we giving ANY awards to Two and a Half Men?

Homeland, Modern Family and The Game Change won everything else.  And that’s all you need to know.


There will be another Hulk movie…probably and eventually

Marvel Studio’s Kevin Feige has finally addressed no one’s everyone’s pleading for information on what’s next for The Hulk after Mark Ruffalo pulled off the first good performance of the green monster in The Avengers.  “Do I think Hulk can carry a movie and be as entertaining as he was in Marvel’s The Avengers? I do believe that,” Feige said. “I do believe he absolutely could. We certainly are not even going to attempt that until The Avengers 2. So there’s a lot of time to think about it.”  When asked if he thought the world would end he said, “I do believe it absolutely could.  But we’re not even going to think about that until after The Avengers 2. ”  His answers were the same for “Will cars ever fly?” “Could you do anything to make George Lucas stop fucking with Star Wars?” and “Are we ever going to get sonic screwdrivers?”
Just fast forward to the 3:30 mark

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Startling, yes?

They are actually moving ahead with a Fargo television series

Little is known about the series other than its going no where the Coen brothers are going to serve as Executive Producers.  But the real pilot of the crashing plane is Noah Hawley.  Does he sound familiar?  Then you’re thinking of someone else.  Hawley has helmed (alliterations are fun!) two other shows- The Unusuals and My Generation.  I have high hopes for this project.*

*I’m trying to be less negative.

SNL alum Jenny Slate has been hired to write a Looney Tunes reboot

Ok, yes at first this seems like a bad idea.  But hear me out here (homophones are fun too!).  Did we all think Jason Segal doing a Muppet movie was a good idea?  No, we did not.  But that turned out amazing.  And let’s not forget that Slate was the one behind this little gem:

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I’m conflicted as to whether or not I want Michael Jordan to be in this film.

Here’s Nick Offerman doing a slam poem:

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Something really bananas happened this week on Sons of Anarchy

And I’m not talking about Ashley Tisdale playing a whore (though it was oddly satisfying to see Gemma beat the shit out of her character).  No, this is even worse than when that girl got set on fire in the premiere.  But I can’t talk about it right now as I am still pretty broken up about the whole thing.  If you want to discuss, tweet me @caitlinvanmol or email me at [email protected].

That’s all for today. For more pop culture news and notes, follow my blog at

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