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Black Hemp- O’Fallon Brewery

Black Hemp beer
Betsy Schneider

ABV: 5.8%

I tend to have the same routine for choosing a new beer that I do for choosing a new book. I usually judge books by their cover and I usually take the title into consideration before I care to read the synopsis. I once plucked a book off the library shelf just because it was called This Book Will Save Your Life. Catchy title, not so life-saving book. So when I stumbled upon this beer called Black Hemp, I was a little intrigued. Beer and books come with expectations, too. I always come up with an idea of what I think a beer is going to taste like and how the book is going to read. Unlike the aforementioned library choice, O’Fallon Brewery did not disappoint me.

I may or may not have been hoping for a hint of hemp flavor and side effect that some of us know and enjoy. It’s not the biggest stretch, because this beer does have an earthy, smoky flavor. I really like it and mostly for it’s drinkability. When I choose a Black Ale I expect it to be a little thick and frothy. Black Hemp has a melt-in- your-mouth feeling that’s liquidy smooth. I absolutely recommend this one for a cold night in, hanging with a few good friends. It put me in a good mood, so I’m sure it will, you, too. Enjoy!

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