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Sweet Action Celebrates Awesome Beer with Beer Ice Cream

Ice Cream Pints
Nathan Tapp

Have you discovered that Sweet Action Ice Cream yet?


Well, get the hell over there. It’s just past 1st on Broadway, not but a mere block away from the Mayan Theatre–which just might be the greatest one-two punch in date history.

In the same vein as Little Man and Lik’s, Sweet Action Ice Cream creates all their flavors in house and their menu changes constantly. One day you might find Colorado Peach (fucking awesome) and the next Stranahan’s Whiskey Brittle (seriously awesome). Hell, one week they had a green chili based cream. This place seriously kicks all sorts of ass.

To add to their serious ass kicking, this week Sweet Action is celebrating Denver beer. With such flavors as Scotch Ale Yeti Cake, Tiramisu Stout, and Vegan Maple Pale Ale (don’t knock it until you try it), Sweet Action is making the best ice cream in town using some of the best microbrews Denver has to offer.

On Sunday evening, I had the pleasure of trying ESB Oreo which was made with one of Breckenridge Brewery’s ESB beers. Upon sampling it I exclaimed, “Jesus. That tastes like beer!” The woman behind the counter reminded me that this was because it was made with beer, but I am not quite sure she understood me: it tasted like fucking beer. SO GOOD. You haven’t lived until you have had beer ice cream.

Hell, you haven’t lived until you have had Sweet Action.

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