Tristan and Stu Brewing- Rapture IPA

Remember back when people were all up in arms about the Rapture? That was about the time Stu Thomas and I decided to try brewing our own beer. That is all fine and well except that our first brew attempt was for a double IPA. Appropriately so, we decided to name our soon-to-be inaugural beer Rapture IPA. Our reasoning was that if it rocked, the results would be heavenly. And more likely if it flopped, we’d just say it all went to hell. The finished product sadly sided with the later of the two. While the pour looked decent, the taste could at most euphemistically be described as factory sewage. The brew was under carbonated, too sweet initially and was followed quickly thereafter with a sharp metallic finish.
Unfortunately things don’t always turn out exactly as planned. But the lesson here is when a double IPA doesnt work out, try a triple IPA. And when brewing a beer doesn’t work out the first time, it shouldn’t inhibit your quest to start a beer blog. In honor of our upcoming inclusion of a feature home brewing segment, I wanted to share my first tale of home brewing to remind beginners out there that when at first you don’t succeed, try try again, oh and have good beer handy just in case so that you don’t have to stay thirsty.
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