Top Five Election Day Takeaways

Election Day is always a little bizarre, extremely polarizing and downright tense. Add in the fact that we are now such a socially connected society and you get a whole lot of crazy that emerges. I decided to recap some of the more bizarre, awesome and meme worthy moments from yesterday’s election coverage. Feel free to comment below if we missed any.
Diane Sawyer was in rare form to say the least
If anyone was watching ABC’s coverage of the election you might have noticed that Diane Sawyer was a bit out there. Ok lets be real, it seemed like she might have done a bit too much Porch Drinking before the broadcast. Sure these analysts have likely been up for 48 hours covering the event, but that doesn’t explain the slurring of speech, insane tangents and insane voice inflections which were that very uncharacteristic for a seasoned broadcaster like Sawyer. Take a look.
Donald Trump goes off on Twitter
Its hard to say which is the bigger joke these days, the hair, or Trump’s political statements. Last night the Twittersphere was abuzz after Trump started disseminating phrases such as “the world is laughing at us”, “the election is a total sham and travesty”, “our nation is in serious unprecedented trouble”. He was one tweet short of “I’m taking my ball and going home”
Karl Rove and Fox
Speaking of disillusioned conservatives, Karl Rove’s unrelenting denial of the network calls of election results started reaching comical levels while serving as personality on Fox’s coverage of election night. Refusing to acknowledge projections that Obama took Ohio, Rove eventually left the set in a fit of anger. Speaking of Fox, the on-air personalities’ collective reactions when Obama’s victory was announced, was also a real knee slapper.
Nate Silver is a witch
Perhaps the biggest story of the election was the savant-like performance of statistics wunderkind Nate Silver, who correctly predicted to the tee the results of all fifty states. This follows up his near perfect game during the 2008 election where he fell short when Indiana went to Obama by .1% of the votes. Silver’s methodology has been lambasted by political pundits, who blast his mathematical-factors based means of predictions. Silver is an blogger for the New York Time’s blog 538 and he created PECOTA for Baseball Prospectus, the same realm of unconventional baseball statistics used in Moneyball. Silver’s success has already led to an Internet meme which proclaims the probability that Nate Silver is a witch.
Flag Lady
If you stayed up late enough to watch President Obama’s victory speech you might have noticed a bizarre fan located on the President’s right side who decided to seize her 15 minutes of fame by sticking a flag in her hair and in turn annoyed half of the American population. Best tweet of the night: “did an astronaut land on that lady’s head and stick a flag in it,” – @jwoliner.
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