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Epic Brewing Company- Fermentation Without Representation Imperial Pumpkin Porter

Epic Brewing Company- Fermentation Without Representation Imperial Pumpkin Porter

During the week of the Great American Beer Festival, Epic Brewing out of Salt Lake City, Utah made a splash by announcing that they would likely be opening up a second brewery in Denver.

It wasn’t until just four years ago that breweries in Utah were allowed to brew beers stronger than four percent ABV. But still unchanged is the fact that breweries can sell beer that has been bottled but not by tap.

Epic is responsible for such tremendous offerings as Brainless on Peaches, and Brainless on Cherries, which has won two gold medals at GABF.

As a result I wanted to try out their Imperial Pumpkin Porter collaboration with DC Brau.  This cloudy dark colored porter has a heavier taste and somewhat creamy mouthfeel. It definitely holds true to the pumpkin flavor and spices that it advertises.  And what’s best is for about $6 this solid pumpkin seasonal has some serious bang for it’s buck.

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