12 Beers of Christmas: Day 5 | New Belgium’s Snow Day

Growing up in Wisconsin, I am familiar with snow days. The anticipation as I went to bed wondering if it would be my alarm to wake me up or my mom coming in to unplug my clock and tell me school was cancelled. Putting on layers of waterproof clothes that would be enough to keep me warm as I played in the yard with my siblings for as many hours as my body could handle. Snow days have a special place in my heart, and as I open this cold bottle, warm memories come back to me.New Belgium’s Snow Day might look black, but when held to the light is a beautiful deep ruby. The aroma introduces the plentiful hops-a piney, dare I say Christmas tree, scent. With the label saying “Winter Ale” I expected some spices, but was quickly corrected. Snow Day is a dark, hoppy ale. Dark and hoppy could be categorized as a black IPA, but winter ale suits me just fine. Though dark, this beer should not be considered a stout or porter. The malt is light and the hops leave a mouthful of bitters. Only on the bitter finish do I taste the darker roasted barely.
If you’re the type that could go without spiced beer but enjoys drinking to the holidays, Snow Day is your beer.
As I sip on this beer, it is well above freezing, the ground is bare of snow, and I am cleaning my house. This is not the snow day experience that I would hope for. At least there are 5 more bottles in my fridge.
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