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Celebrity Christmas Wish Lists

twilight christmas
Drew Troller

My buddy Santa hooked me up with a look at some of the letters he received from celebrities this year. Let’s see what was on their celebrity Christmas wish lists this year!


Katie Holmes-

“Something to remove an ankle monitor/the watchful eye of Lord Xenu.”


Mitt Romney-

“Sesame Street on DVD. And a new shelf for my binders of women.”


Taylor Kitsch-

“Every single copy of John Carter. And Battleship. And Savages. And a new agent.”


Kristen Stewart-

“A book that teaches me how to smile.”


Prince Harry-

“A pool cue, and better security.”


Clint Eastwood-

“A chair to yell at.”



“Baby steroids, baby bronzer, and sippy-cup shot glasses.”


Amanda Bynes-

“A gift certificate for a limo service.”


Lindsay Lohan-

“A gift certificate for a limo service. Or just lots of blow.”


McKayla Maroney-

“I dunno, Santa. Good luck impressing me.”


Kate Middleton-

“Silk diapers and a baby-sized crown.”


Donald Trump-

“A copy of Barack Obama’s junior high report card.”



“Another f***ing dance to do. Please, anything. I’ll do the macarena. Just anything else.”


Honey Boo Boo-

“Chicken nuggets dipped in chocolate.”


Jim Lehrer-

“My dignity, wherever Mitt and Barack left it.”


Jason Russell-

“Justice for Jospeh Kony. And a bit of privacy while I go for a walk naked.”


Bobby Brown-

“Whitney’s stash.”


Tim Tebow-

“A NY Jets seat cushion.”


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