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Rogue Ales – Double Chocolate Stout

Rogue Ales – Double Chocolate Stout
ABV  8.7%
IBU 50 
AA 77
Lovibond 135º
Plato 22º

Rogue has always been one of my favorite breweries. Most people know them for their Dead Guy Ale, which in all rights is an amazing beer. However, their Double Chocolate Stout has now become my favorite Rogue brew and perhaps one of my favorite stouts. While it is available on draft, I have yet to see it in Colorado. It is also available in a bomber – it is one you can’t miss being in a bright fire engine red bottle.Turns out I am not the only one who loves this beer as it won a gold medal at the 2010 world beer championships.

It isn’t a sweet stout, but rather more of an imperial stout with a heavy dark and bitter chocolate flavor. If you are a fan of dark chocolate, you will love this beer. It doesn’t have much of a hoppy taste  but is rather malty with some hint of coffee flavors from the malt. You don’t notice its heavy 8.7% alcohol while drinking it. I’d suggest sharing this bomber with a friend as it is more of a sipping beer to savor and enjoy sip by sip. Plus drinking the whole bomber yourself will leave you with a decent buzz.

This stout is made with 12 ingredients:

  • Malts & Grains: C120, Chocolate 2-Row, Great Western 2-Row and Rolled Oats
  • Hops: Cascade , Perle
  • Yeast:  Rogue’s Pacman
  • Other Ingredients: Honey, Imported Dutch bittersweet chocolate, Water

Upon pouring this beer, I was surprised at how much head it produced. As it subsided, some of the khaki colored head had clung to the side of the glass. After further inspection, I believe it may be a nitro, but I have no been able to confirm this. This beer has a very smooth mouth feel and amazing aroma. If you like stouts or chocolate, seek this one out – You won’t regret it.

Justin Hatfield is the founder of the Denver Draughters Homebrew club. You can join them here. He is also the founder of the Colorado Brewery Meetup.

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