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New Beers Resolutions

porch beers





Drink more craft beer!

So much amazing beer… so little time.

Don’t become a snob.

Yes we love to promote Craft, but really it all starts with beer to begin with. When talking to our friend in Kentucky they mentioned that right now it’s all about getting people to enjoy beer first, then expanding their horizons. So drink beer. Whether it’s Coors or Westy 12.

Share more with friends.

Don’t be stingy, share beer with friends. Sometimes it’s worth it to be the guy who buys a $20-$30 bomber from a nice beer bar and shares it with their friends or, in some cases, complete strangers. That happened over the break when I was back in Kentucky. Jason, who shared his Founder’s Bolt Cutter with me at The Beer Trappe, is welcome to visit Colorado and get a first class beer tour whenever he pleases!

Hoard less, drink more.

Sometimes when we get really into craft beer, it starts to look like a game of Pokemon; gotta catch em’ all. But beer is mean to be enjoyed and consumed. While it’s great to start aging a few that are meant to be aged, it’s more important to just drink beer. So stop hoarding that Pliny for a special occasion because tonight, tomorrow, the weekend… they’re all special occasions. Treat Yo Self!

Brew more yourself.

There’s no better way to learn the ins and outs of beer than actually brewing it yourself. Be sure to check out our homebrewing series for tips and tricks. Homebrewing helps not only to understand beer better, but to appreciate what goes into a beer, and the subtleties that makes beer so different.

Get out of your comfort zone.

Try something new! If you generally only drink one brand or hell, only one beer in particular, take that baby step into a new world of brews. If you typically only drink stouts or porters, try a kolsch or saison. If you only like IPAs, try a sour. It may surprise you how your palette evolves over time.

Read more about craft beer… speaking of, we know a good website.

Yes, definitely read PorchDrinking more often but also be sure to check out some beer books. We’ll be beginning a series on PD reviewing a few beer books to offer you some great suggestions. Also, try picking up a copy of a beer magazine.

Meet more people in the industry.

Say hi to the people who brew your beer. Say hi to the people who sell you your beer. Say hi to people who write about beer. Hell, say hi to us! This is also a fantastic way to really learn more about beer, about your favorite brewery and about what’s going on in the beer world.

Cook with beer.

Food + Beer = Nom! Check out out Cooking with Beer series here.

Translate the community and kindness of the craft beer industry into everyday life.

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