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Sierra Blanca Brewery- Roswell Alien Amber Ale

Sierra Blanca Brewery- Roswell Alien Amber Ale
Coit Stevenson

IBU – 15
ABV – 5.2%

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been duped. We’ve been had. Swindled. Swash-buckled. The wool has been pulled firmly over our eyes. It seems about every decade or so a new seemingly legitimate but later debunked “end of the world” scenario comes out and captures the nation, nay, the world. In 2012 it was the Mayan Apocalypse. In 1999, it was Y2K. Before that it was the threat of the Cold War, and even further back in history, the landing of aliens at Area 51 in Roswell, New Mexico. But one of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong; and I have the proof here in my hand in the form of Sierra Blanca Brewery’s Roswell Alien Amber Ale.

Brewed in a VERY small town just north of the infamous crash site, (honestly, the brewery and its employees more-than-likely doubled the population) Alien Amber Ale reflects the mystery of Area 51 without the hassle of speaking with tight-lipped federal agents to obtain information. Despite its small-town uprising, Alien Amber is widely available in 5 states in the southwest, (NM, TX, OK, LA, and AZ) and growing. Sierra Blanca’s website mentions that eight different barleys combine to make this smooth brew, but keep which barleys those are predictably under wraps. It’s no matter, while the recipe makes for a light, smooth drink; the beer itself is nothing special. But maybe that’s the point. Make a beer that can be produced and distributed widely and drinks easily, but doesn’t create a large following so there’s more for the true believers.  Are you part of this niche group? Take a trip down south, visit the Area 51 museum, and pick up a 6 pack of Alien Amber to find out. It’s a great way to kill time until the next apocalyptic event takes you, and the world, by storm.

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