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Arcadia Brewing Company – The Big Finish Ale

Arcadia Brewing Company – The Big Finish Ale
Lindsay Krumel

ABV: 5%

I was about to run to the store when there it was, The Big Finish Ale, staring me in the face. This gem has been hiding in my fridge since the day after Thanksgiving, when my boyfriend, brother and I stopped off at Arcadia Brewing Company on our drive home. There are several reasons why this beer is awesome:

1. The Big Finish Ale comes in a 1 pint 6 ounce bottle. The bigger the better, am I right?

2. Profits from the sale of The Big Finish Ale are donated to the Kalamazoo Marathon.

3. It is the official beer of the Kalamazoo Marathon.

(My boyfriend and I are both avid runners [he more than I – he’s run Boston], so these last two really hit home for us.)

4. The Big Finish Ale is just a great beer. At first it smells hoppy, but then it smells fruity. And the taste is the same. You get a little bit of the hops, and a little bit of the fruit, but neither is too overpowering. It’s like the perfect balance of bitter and sweet. It pours a rich golden color with this great vanilla head, like something you would see on a root beer float, and it’s extremely light and refreshing.

This beer is definitely something I’d recommend for the spring and summer months ahead, and wayyy better than the Bud Light I’ve seen other people chugging after races (those crazy kids!). So if you’re ever in Battle Creek, Michigan, grab a bottle and get your run on.


**If Michigan is too far, Arcadia Ales is sold by distributors in Effingham, IL, Peoria, IL, Olathe, KS, Witchita, KS, Philadelphia, PA, St. Louis, MO, Lexington, KY and Cleveland, OH.**

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