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Sixpoint Brewery – Resin

ABV – 9.1%
IBU – 103
Upon cracking the top of this slender, green can, the snappy scent wafts up to warn the drinker: this is no lager. The first taste is a bit of a shock – though the carbonation is fairly mild – and this beer lets you know precisely what 103 IBU means. However, once a few more sips pass over your palate, Sixpoint Brewery Resin‘s zesty bitter grapefruit juice flavor begins to shine through. This is the beer I buy to take to a party, and upon arriving, proceed to hide it in the back of the fridge so I’m not forced to share.
The beer is named for the sticky residue that exudes from the hops. As Sixpoint explains, “When hops are at their peak maturity, their cores swell up with a sticky, golden, resinous substance that is the flavor you crave from an IPA.” Resin delivers on providing the drinker with the true essence of an IPA.
I wouldn’t dare pair Resin with any food – this is strictly a drinking beer. (If anyone has suggestions of a food they believe could stand up against this veritable Helms Deep of hops, feel free to leave in the comments!)
Resin also delivers a robust buzz. At 9.1% alcohol, it hits you about mid-way through the can, just as you begin to become accustomed to the intensely tangy flavor. For the price (~$10/4 pack), the unique bitterness, the bountiful flavor, and the sheer potency, Resin does not fail to disappoint the true hop-lover.
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