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21st Amendment – Marooned on Hog Island

21st amendment marooned on hog island
Erin Petrey

ABV: 7.9%

IBU: Not Available

The can is awash with vignettes of a pair of deserters who jumped ship (quite literally) to escape the horrid beer stores aboard. Armed with only the items that could quickly nab – a gun, cocktail sauce, and the prize of the Captain’s beer store – they swam to the nearest shoreline. What kismet that they stumbled upon a tiny island inhabited by two kindly oyster farmers. The fast friends combined their powers and feasted together on campfire cooked meats and a special English-style stout that boasted a secret ingredient of oyster shells. I guess it would’t be so bad to be Marooned on Hog Island. (Click here for the unabridged tale.)

I love a beer with a story. Whimsical as it may be, this limited edition to the 21st Amendment repertoire is a brew that fits the accompanying narrative to a tee. After a few sips, you begin to smell the smoke from the campfire, feel a salty sea breeze, and yearn for an escape of your very own.

Marooned pours a modest head that quickly dissipates to a slight whisper of foam. The nose is a strong coffee with hints of cocoa. Though an English stout, the carbonation is lighter than I expected but the body still leaves behind a nice warmth; this is a very easy beer to drink. The finish is slightly metallic – I had hoped for a brinier flavor from the oyster shells but the taste is much more mineral-based.

Drink this beer from the can: the flavors come through much better, and it yields a much richer mocha taste with a hint of sweetness akin to raisin and fig, the latter of which is lost drinking from a glass. This brew would pair very well with greasy meats like pork or duck. Campfire optional, but strongly suggested.

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