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The Year of Beyoncé

Laura Mego

We’re calling it now- 2013 will be the year of Beyoncé.

After the lip syncing/inauguration “scandal” that turned into awesomeness times a million (seriously, who else has the chutzpah to invite a bunch of reporters into one room and prove that you have the skills to sing the national anthem live?!?) and owning it at the Super Bowl halftime Show, Bey had a pretty great start to 2013.  If you thought she was going to slink back under the radar for a bit, you were wrong.  Thanks to the awesomeness that is the internet, we’ll all be rehashing her halftime performance for just a bit longer.

On Monday, Buzzfeed posted an article titled “The 33 Fiercest Moments From Beyoncé’s Halftime Show.”  The article itself wasn’t that controversial- it merely highlighted some of the best moments of the previous night’s show, with lots of photos of Bey playing Sasha Fierce and generally rocking.  Some of the photos were less-than-flattering, but most just caught her mid-dance and making sometimes goofy faces because, let’s face it, being that awesome does take a bit of work.   Unfortunately, her publicist didn’t agree.  She sent an email asking Buzzfeed to take down the images.  However, that’s not really how Buzzfeed rolls, so they instead added another article.  This one posted the publicist’s email and REPOSTED every single photo that the publicist deemed “unflattering.”  The internet promptly exploded.   The images of her head were photoshopped onto the bodies of power lifters, zombies, and (my personal favorite) the Hulk, among others.

Either this was the best PR stunt EVER, or Bey’ s publicist is looking for a new gig today.  Either way, in the words of the Buzzfeed staff- “Good job, internet.”

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