Christian Moerlein Brewing Co. – Exposition

IBU: 28
ABV: 5.0%
In honor of Cincinnati Beer Week,I decided to showcase a gem from the Queen City herself: Moerlein’s Exposition Vienna Style Lager. According to Moerlein Lager House, this beer is “a tribute to Christian Moerlein’s first brews displayed at national expositions and crowned wherever exhibited,” so you know it’s gotta be good. I wasn’t even sure I’d ever had a Vienna style lager, but it turns out Samuel Adams Boston Lager is a prime example! However, I can say with absolute certainty that I like this one better. I may even love it!
Exposition is much smoother than the Boston Lager, and it seems to be the perfect combination of malts and hops, with a sweet caramel flavor and a crisp dry finish. It has a toasty, brown sugar nose, and it pours a deep amber color with a slight white head. Although it might not be the most outrageous beer I’ve ever tasted, it certainly deserves the awards the brews on which it is based received. And it’s ideal for this time of year, not too light, not too heavy, just right for a February night.
Why is the word “smooth” always used as a positive descriptor?
I have this in my fridge currently… Can’t wait to try it!