Insiders Oscar Picks

With the 85th Academy Awards just around the corner, Drew and I decided that we’d give you an “insider’s” look at who could be taking home those golden statues in the big six categories! (Mind you, neither of us are actual insider’s, we just tend to see a shit ton of movies.) For clarification, Drew’s choices are listed first while mine follow. Here are our Oscar picks.
Best Picture
Will Win: Argo
Should Win: Argo/Django Unchained
Drew: I would not be surprised or upset if either Zero Dark Thirty or Lincoln won, but this is pretty much Argo’s to lose. Anything other than these three films would be surprising to me.
Nate: I’m in complete agreement with you here. Argo has been racking up the wins for the past couple of months, and I don’t think there is anything prime to stop it. With that being said, of the nine nominees Django Unchained is my absolute favorite. It should win all the awards. But I’m thinking Tarantino will walk away with Best Original Screenplay as a consolation prize.
Best Actor
Will Win: Daniel Day-Lewis
Should Win: Daniel Day-Lewis/Joaquin Pheonix
Drew: I’m tempted to say Joaquin Phoenix should win, because his performance in The Master was so full of contempt and headcase-y angst that it carried the movie. But then again, Phoenix is a headcase full of contempt. Daniel Day-Lewis, on the other hand, fully embodied Lincoln. Kids 20 years from now will think of him and that movie when they think of Lincoln.
Nate: I’m with you here: Daniel Day-Lewis has got this one in the bag. However, why can’t they just change “Best Actor” to “The Daniel Day-Lewis Award for Best Acting”? When the dude is nominated, he’s a fucking juggernaut. Which is a pity, because Joaquin Pheonix gave the best performance of the year. Hands down.
Best Actress
Will Win: Jennifer Lawrence/Emmanuelle Riva
Should Win: Jessica Chastain
Drew: I love J-Law, but Jessica Chastain’s character in Zero Dark Thirty was the most compelling and cerebral hero in any movie this year – and that includes The Avengers. She showed her range and gave the best performance of all nominees.
Nate: Having just seen Amour, I think this one has Riva written all over it. She gives a tragic performance as a woman deteriorating physically and mentally, and, damn, it is all too real. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jennifer Lawrence took the prize, but Riva’s performance is much more complicated and the Academy eats that shit up.
Best Supporting Actor
Will Win: Christoph Waltz/Tommy Lee Jones
Should Win: Tommy Lee Jones/Christoph Waltz
Drew: If the other awards given out this awards season are any indication, momentum is on Walt’z side. And while Waltz totally stole the show from Jamie Foxx, Jones added a huge dimension to Lincoln that made it more than just a biopic of Lincoln himself. Tommy Lee Jones turned the story of a President into a political thriller, House of Cards style.
Nate: I’m going in the exact opposite direction here. Waltz was awesome. This guy is one of the few actors out there who can speak fluent Tarantinian. Hell, Waltz, DiCaprio, and Jackson are all deserving of this award. However, I can’t help but feel the Academy will look past his performance as he recently won Best Supporting Actor for yet another scene chewing Tarantino role. I think Tommy Lee Jones has got this one in the bag.
Best Supporting Actress
Will Win: Anne Hathaway
Should Win: Anne Hathaway
Drew: Bleh. Everyone knows she’s got it. And worse, she deserves it. No hate for Sally Field, who was a great Mary Todd Lincoln, but ain’t no runner-up statue here.
Nate: Agreed. Much like Jennifer Hudson a few years back, Anne Hathaway has won this award due to one incredible song.
Best Director
Will Win: Steven Spielberg
Should Win: Ben Affleck*
Drew: *Yeah, I know he’s not nominated. But he still should win. I wouldn’t even be surprised if whoever wins this gets on stage and mentions Ben along with the other directors nominated.
Nate: LOLZ. Spielberg is unstoppable here.
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