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Avery Strong Ale Fest Preview

Avery Strong Ale Fest Preview
Philip Joyce

Here at we love festivals. We are festivarians. Beer festivals, music festivals, bacon festivals, you name it! The opportunity to rub elbows and share stories and experiences with like-passionate people makes us giddy. On the horizon this weekend is the Avery Strong Ale Fest in Boulder, Colorado. The beers will be big and our smiles will be even bigger. Join us on the porch in preview!

We were able to get a hold of the initial beer pouring list and couldn’t be more excited! Check out what we will have the opportunity to sip on.

The beers that I am most excited about:


  • Allagash Bourbon Black. Allagash makes outstanding beers. Belgian stout aged in bourbon barrels… i’ll take 2!
  • Avery Missionary Position. Doesn’t sound very exciting… but as far as I can tell this is their Reverend with guava and pineapple. The sweet guava and tart pineapple should blend nicely into this beer. Much more exciting than the name may lead you to believe.
  • Avery Tweak. This is what legends are made of. And the perfect beer to perk up after samplings beers for a few hours and getting sleepy eyes.
  • Copper Kettle High Country Breakfast Stout. Breakfast is the best meal of the day. No argument.
  • Crazy Mountain Lawyers Guns and Money. I’ve had it and will have it again. Hoppy barleywine or maltier DIPA. You decide. Its delicious.
  • Crooked Stave Sentience. Crooked Stave is making some of the most unique barrel aged and wild beers in the state of CO. I have yet to have a beer from them that I wasn’t impressed by.
  • Elevation Oil Man. Good things come in small packages. Nestled in the tiny town of Poncha Springs, Elevation is making world-class beers. These guys are going to blow up.
  • Great Divide Whiskey Chocolate Yeti. Who doesn’t love fairy tales? Is big foot real? Do Yetis exist? Apparently they hibernate in whiskey barrels surrounded by chocolate. Can you blame them?
  • Green Flash Palate Wrecker. The name says it all. I have heard amazing things about this beer.
  • Jolly Pumpkin Madrugada. I love me some sour beers. Sour stouts are always interesting! Big malty flavors as opposed to the exceptionally dry sour beers and lambics of Belgium.
  • Mountain Sun Raspberry Beret. Super saison with raspberries and honey. Salivating.
  • Odell Amuste. Imperial porter aged with Tempranillo must. A must have.
  • Oskar Blues Whiskey Ten FIDY. Ten FIDY plus whiskey. I wish they would hook me up with a REEB to ride home on. I’m already drunk just thinking about consuming the above beers.
  • Pizza Port Poorman’s IPA. Gold medal winner at World Beer Cup 2012. ‘Nuff said.
  • Renegade Elevation. Grapefruity hop flavors are some of my favorites. Plus these guys are rad and make great beer.
  • Ska Vinifera Stout. Oak aged with malbec grapes. I love the way the brewers are starting to use wine grapes in their beer. When will vintners use barley and hops in their wine!?
  • Trinity Slap Yer Mammy. Another beer in the long line of tongue twisting, cottonmouth enducing palate tenderizers.
  • Wynkoop Frambozen. 2010 vintage 12% ABV raspberry sour ale. WOW.

I look forward to the long list of beers I get to sample, and the great friends that I will get to spend my weekend with.




  1. Oh my, I am SO excited!! I was hoping and praying Pliny the Younger was on the list!! Success! 🙂

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