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Pop Culture Week in Review 4/27-5/3

Pop Culture Week in Review 4/27-5/3

Late Night Wars!

But it isn’t what you think.  Chris Hardwick has been given yet another television show (He already helms the Nerdist on BBC America and Talking Dead on AMC and is developing another show for AMC and NatGeo while doing a podcast three times a week and stand up and not sleeping and running a YouTube channel) on Comedy Central.  The untitled show will run behind The Colbert Report in the fall. Incidentally, Hardwick’s show will comPete with his good buddy Pete Holmes’ new talk show on TBS.  Holmes, in addition to his stand up career (PIERCE! GET SOME BEERS!) has his own podcast…on the Nerdist Network. Oh SNAP!

I for one am just excited to see more awesome people get into an awesome medium.  Everyone’s a winner!

The Pacific Rim trailer intended only for Wondercon last month hit the interwebs

I didn’t actually see the first trailer when it came out so I spent most of my time watching thing being all, Jax? Is that you, Jax Teller?  I know you love your bike more than almost anything (ok the bike is probably like #10 behind Tara, Abel, the other kid, your mom, your cut, Opie, Bobby, SAMCRO in general, and reading your dad’s journal on the roof) but I think we can all agree this is an upgrade, no?  Then “HOLY SHIT WHAT IS CHARLIE DAY DOING IN PAC RIM?”  Finally, “Jesus Christ Mary and Joseph- RON PERLMAN is here? Why is he wearing weird sunglasses indoors?”

Upon my second viewing, I noticed how much this seems like a cross between Reel StealTransformers and (particularly at :28) a commercial for the gazelle exercise machine.  Hey Tony!

Arrested Development graciously released a clip from season 4

We all know I love a good cover:


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