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Copper Kettle Mexican Chocolate Stout Bottle Release

copper kettle mexican chocolate stout

We’re living in a truly beautiful period of time.  It’s an age of abundantly wonderful beer sprouting around every corner. The reason these neighborhood breweries have become so popular is that they’re run by passionate people who truly love the beer they’re creating. The only draw back is that many nano or microbrews don’t have the resources to share that beer outside the confines of their tap rooms.

Such was the case with Copper Kettle Brewing Company and their Mexican Chocolate Stout… until now.  The 2011 Great American Beer Festival Gold Medal winner will be available for sale in the 22 oz. bomber variety starting this Friday, June 21 and the brewery will be celebrating this momentous occasion with a special release party.

Copper Kettle Mexican Chocolate Stout is one of the most authentically chocolate tasting beers I’ve ever come across, and yet it’s flavor profile is strengthened even further with an added kick of heat from the habanero that settles in the back of your throat.  The beautiful blend of chocolate, habanero and cinnamon are married together in perfect harmony and now they’ll be perfect for gifting, for bottle shares “coughPorchDrinkingAnniversaryPartycough” or just for tucking back to age and save for later. While Mexican Chocolate will begin by only being sold out of the tap room, it’ll soon hit Denver liquor store shelves by mid summer.

The great news is that the bottling won’t end there. Next in line for Jeremy and Kristen are High Country Breakfast Stout in the Fall and Oak Barrel Aged Double IPA soon there after.

copper kettle mexican chocolate stout


  1. Cory_Pelc

    This is great news!

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