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Left Hand Brewing | Nitro Milk Stout

Left Hand Nitro

This post originally appeared as one of the first posts on PorchDrinking when we launched FOUR Years Ago. We wanted to share this again, because Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout is a phenomenal Colorado beer and because many of you all have joined us since we first launched. For those who have followed us since the beginning thanks for your support and we hope you’ve enjoyed the ride.

Milk Stout Nitro – Left Hand Brewing Company (Longmont, CO)

ABV: 6% | IBU: 25

Much like stinky cheese, you either like hops or you don’t. I do not. So, you won’t find any hop-crazed nonsense in my reviews, and I won’t review beers I know to be hoppy; that would be counter-productive. However, if you lean a little left on the IBU scale, and like some hefty malts with your hops, we’re on the same page.

Now, on to malty goodness!

Milk Stout Nitro was once a treat reserved for the bar with a nitro tap. Now, it is available in bottles, which you can put in your fridge.

Left Hand Nitro

Like its big brother Milk Stout, Nitro has all the creaminess you’d expect from the award-winning lineage, and then some. Left Hand was the first US brewery to release a nitro beer in a bottle rather than a can. Instead of a widget, they integrate the carbon dioxide and nitrogen into the brewing process, creating a velvety texture that oddly enough reminds me of cream cheese—in a good way.

Nitro is my favorite beer for brunches because it pairs well with sweet and savory flavors alike. Waffles? Bagels with cream cheese? Bacon? Oh yeah.

Or for dinner, try drinking it with some twice-baked sweet potatoes with bacon candy.

And being a beer so sweet and black, it’s just begging to be consumed with ice cream as a float. You may scoff at this, and tell me I’m destroying the integrity of the beer. Fine. It’s good no matter what you say.

But then, really, Nitro is good all the time, if you like creamy, malty goodness with a head as thick as a chocolate shake. Luckily, Nitro is part of Left Hand’s Perennial collection, meaning it will keep on coming back, so you can make it a staple on your grocery list.

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