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Roundtable Discussion | Summer Television

Roundtable Discussion | Summer Television
Lindsay Krumel

While some of our favorite shows have ended for the season, or in some cases for good, there are plenty more starting up this summer. The PorchDrinking staff shares which ones they’re looking most forward to.

Scott: Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad.

Mike: Homeland & Newsroom! Although I think Homeland comes back in the fall.

Kate: I’m also really excited for The Newsroom. However, I just got rid of my cable, so I’ve started watching The Goodwin Games on Hulu. It’s a little predictable at times, but so far I’m on board.

Justin: Newsroom!!! Also, Suits on USA because I love me some crap TV.

Chase: I’m really looking forward to the conclusions of both Dexter and Breaking Bad. Both have gotten so dark that they’re difficult to watch at times as I’ve grown to hate the once likable main characters, but after watching the entire series, I just have to see how they turn out.

Marie: Seconding Scott’s sentiment. Breaking Bad baby! (Woo alliteration!) And am I the only one still psyched about True Blood?

Lindsay: No! I’m still loving it!

Lizzie: Is Royal Pains still on? That was my ultimate summer guilty pleasure a few years ago. I’ve been enjoying some beautiful weather lately, but with a forecast of 90 and storms all week, I could really go for just sitting and watching a hot doctor in the Hamptons.

Justin: I believe it starts back the same week as Suits. Man, why are those USA shows so addictive? Anybody else watching the final season of Burn Notice?

Sue: Perhaps my guilty pleasure this summer will be to actually acquire a television…

Drew: I’ve been making due with rabbit ears, the occasional livestream online, and piracy. But cable is too good to not be watching. I’m dying here.

Gabriel: Newsroom. Breaking Bad. Every other show ever made. Walking Dead. In that exact order.

Marie: Yeah eff it. Going outside in the summer is for suckers.

Philip: I don’t watch TV…in fact I have never owned one…I also am not on the Netflix bandwagon – I’m on the books, music, beer and friends bandwagon :). Enjoy your shows.

Drew: Philip….

CVM: I’m glad Drew said it so I didn’t have to. 🙂

Philip: Drew. LOL. The furniture in my living room is facing the fireplace…(although I will admit that my roommate owns a TV that one of the couches faces).

Cory: In The Flesh (way better than Walking Dead and a really cool outlook on the “undead”), Breaking Bad, Eastbound & Down, and True Blood. Catfish. I like TV. Sometimes, I like bad TV.

Justin: Does anyone know when BBC will have new episodes of Sherlock? That show is my heroin.

Laura: They started filming the new episodes back in March, but Moffat is still trying to talk the Beeb into releasing the new episodes in the UK and the US simultaneously…I might have a Sherlock addiction, too…

Lindsay: Yes! Catfish! It’s so bad it’s good.

Erin: So I think Pregnant & Dating should get a shoutout here. I mean, this is just a whole new level of reality.

Lindsay: Agreed. I’m currently watching a show on TLC called My Teen is Pregnant and So Am I. What!?

Katharine: Anyone interested in some of the premieres? Ray Donovan on Showtime, Siberia on NBC (looks like the same godawful script but with pretty people), Low Winter Sun on AMC (mostly interested because Mark Strong stars) or Under the Dome (a Stephen King adaptation).

Lindsay: I think Under the Dome looks good. I don’t know about the rest of them though….Also, Falling Skies anyone?

Gabriel: Instant classic Catfish episode on right now.

Well there you have it! Seems like a lot of us can’t wait for The Newsroom and Breaking Bad to start back up, but there’s definitely a wide array of other shows we’re all jonesin’ for.

Which summer TV shows are you looking most forward to? Let us know in the comments section below!


  1. Miguel

    Definitely Breaking Bad, although I am kinda bummed that one of the best shows on TV is ending this year. True Blood has definitely lost its charm; it used to be way better.

  2. Lindsay

    Gabe, you were right. That Catfish episode was epic.

  3. Jake

    Dexter over everything

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