Porch Trivia

In an effort to interact more with our legions of loyal readers, we are going to start a weekly trivia post on Saturdays. The trivia can range from questions about beer and beer history to song lyrics to movie quotes to sports, all of which will have some tie to beer, porchdrinking or general drinking tomfoolery.
For the first week we are going with Drunk Movie Quotes. All of these quotes contain the word “drunk” in reference to an overindulgence of alcohol. Porchdrinking.com is in no way glorifying or suggesting a drunken state for our readers. You need to give the movie title and character name who said the quote for all three offerings in order to win for this week. The winner will get the pride of being a weekly winner, and perhaps some PD swag down the road. Please post all responses in the comments below this post. Once someone has answered correctly, we will post that we have a winner and congratulate said porchdrinker. Usual trivia rules apply, meaning don’t just Google the answers. Good Luck!
1) “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”
2) “Ok, here’s the deal. I have a hangover. Who knows what that means?” [Doesn’t that mean you’re drunk?] “No. It means I was drunk yesterday.”
3) “Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said…’I’m too drunk to taste this chicken.'”
2) is jack black from School of Rock
All answers were correct in some shape or fashion.
1) Animal House – Dean Wormer
2) School of Rock – Dewey Finn
3) Talladega Nights – Ricky Bobby